Further Education
Kihiihi Community Polytechnic
Medius completed her Electrical Installation Course at Kihiihi Community Polytechnic
She is now working.
These are her own words....
"I am very proud to be one of the few chosen off-springs of the Mary Wood Trust. It was because of the support you gave me that am what I am now. It is a blessing from GOD. I want to extend my sincere appreciation to you all and through our beloved mum, Clare, I am glad to tell you that you have produced good quality products where by at our workplace I am one of the leaders they are proud of. MWT members, I am glad to tell you that I am happy to be one of the engineers in our district. It shows great love for you to support me from S1 until now. How happy is my family, courtesy of the MWT. May the Almighty bless you abundantly."