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Nyakabungo Girls Secondary School


Lights for Life


As a result of many people's generosity, in March 2018 Clare was able to give out a number of lights to the teachers and some larger units for the students so that they can work or study in the evening when there is no electricity.





















It’s hard to imagine a life without light. The smallest of tasks that we are able to do in the evenings would become hugely difficult. Reading, preparing food, tidying up even getting undressed - all of those things that we take for granted are so reliant on being able to light up a room at the flick of a switch.


The girls at Nyakabungo Girls Secondary School, a girls boarding school in rural S W Uganda, work so hard under the most difficult of circumstances, not least being the lack of light.


Despite the school being connected to the national power supply a number of years ago, the power has proved unreliable. Running the generator is too expensive. This means that the students have to study in the dark of the evening and the teachers have to prepare their lessons under the same conditions.


A while ago Clare Ramsden was given a solar powered light and during her visit to the school in March 2017 she decided to give it to the head-teacher at NGSS, Allen Aasiimwe. Allen wrote recently about how it has improved her life- both as a teacher and also in her personal life. All for just £10!


“I am so excited about the solar lamp that you gave me in March 2017. It provides bright light for marking student books and making lesson preparation whenever solar power is off. It has improved my welfare in the house not to keep in darkness at certain times. Thank you so much”.


We have been able to provide a light to all 17 teachers at the school and maybe eventually we will be able to provide light to all the 200 students at the school? This might perhaps mean installing some solar panels on the classroom roofs if large financial investment was forthcoming.


Oliver and Clare Ramsden were able to take and distribute quite a few of these lights on their last two visits. They have been much appreciated. They are available to buy in Uganda through the Charity, Solar Aid.


They cost £10 per light- a small price to pay to make a huge difference in someone’s life. The larger units provide more light, say enough for a group and cost £77 each.


If you would like to help then please contact us by email, donate directly via the donate page   Thank you




Some of the girls studying in the evening

Some of the teachers able to do work in the evening

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